This assignment focuses on exploring the dynamics of athlete branding by examining the innovative approach of A&A Management’s relationship with Travis Kelce* – an American football tight end. Students will research both Kelce and an up-and-coming athlete of their choice. The goal is to understand the strategies employed by A&A Management and apply this knowledge to develop a comprehensive brand growth plan for the student’s chosen athlete.
*Travis Kelce and A&A Management do not endorse, sponsor, or have any affiliation with Stukent and/or Stukent’s products.
this Assignment Will Give You ...
More engagement from your students, making them think outside of the box.
More time to teach. We've done a lot of the heavy lifting for you, so now you can teach class the way you've always wanted.
Supplemental material to fill the gaps in your course. This assignment is free for you to use in conjunction with the courseware.
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