Personal Branding Bundle

Transform How You Teach Personal Branding

Personal Branding courseware that ensures student success beyond the classroom

The Personal Branding Courseware Bundle

Stukent bundles include:

  • Hundreds of instructor and student resources
  • First-in-the-world simulations
  • Continuously updated courseware

All Stukent bundles are designed to make teaching a cohesive experience from start to finish, while conveniently saving you and your students time. 

Bundles include the Simternship™ and courseware that work hand-in-hand to provide an engaging learning experience. 

The up-to-date foundational theory and real-world experience is a powerful combination to prepare students to be successful in the growing job market.

"I would recommend something like this to every marketing student at Oklahoma State."
Dr. Maribeth Kuzmeski, author of "Name, Image, & Likeness"
Dr. Maribeth Kuzmeski
Oklahoma State University

Personal Branding Courseware

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and successfully employ the tools for creating and sustaining a successful personal brand
  • Describe the foundations of personal branding 
  • Evaluate strategic communication tools used to achieve measurable results and help organizations achieve their objectives
  • Identify media channels, best practices, strategies, challenges, and opportunities to  utilize for personal branding
  • Discuss the unique benefits that new, interactive media that can be integrated for personal branding
  • Illustrate the ethical, creative, and strategic dimensions of personal branding

Personal Branding Simternship™


Students will learn how to:

  • Help a new influencer grow their personal brand using best practices
  • Reply to social media comments using proper brand voice
  • Evaluate brand partnership proposals and craft responses
  • Create brand-specific introductions to influencers
  • Select brand messaging to deal with crises
  • Plan and execute activities to build your own personal brand

About the Author:

Picture of Karen Freberg

Karen Freberg

Karen Freberg (@kfreberg) is an Associate Professor in Strategic Communications at the University of Louisville where she teaches, researches, and consults in social media strategy, public relations, and crisis communication. Freberg has experience working with brands such as Hootsuite, General Motors, Breeders’ Cup, Facebook, Adobe, and Chipotle. Freberg's experience in both academia and industry makes her the perfect pick to be the author of the upcoming Stukent "Personal Branding".

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – What Is Personal Branding?

Chapter 2 – Perspectives on Personal Branding

Chapter 3 – Building a Career on Personal Branding

Chapter 4 – Challenges

Chapter 5 – Finding Your Brand Voice and Presence

Chapter 6 – Strategic Planning

Chapter 7 – Science and Art of Networking

Chapter 8 – Relationships and Brand Partnerships

Chapter 9 – Ethics and Professionalism

Chapter 10 – Measuring Success, Progress, and Improvements

Chapter 11 – Resumes, Portfolios, Interviews, and Future Directions

Hands-on Learning without the Hassle

Stukent Simternships integrate with your favorite LMS platforms

Single Sign-on

Grade Book Syncing

Deep Linking
