Combine Two of the
Most Influential Classroom Resources
Immerse your students in practical learning with real-world projects utilizing popular industry tools and put them in a simulated environment where they can sharpen their PPC skills using a $100,000+ budget.
Best-selling Courseware
“Best digital marketing textbook that I have found in 15 years for my students to use to learn easily all about practical business-focused digital marketing best practice…”
– Simon, Massey University
First-in-the-world Simulation
“I have had multiple students contact me post-graduation to tell me that the Simulation was a key factor in them getting a job. It gave them a conversation that few other students could have….”
– Gregory, Loyola University
Combine Two of the
Most Influential Classroom Resources
Immerse your students in practical learning with real-world projects utilizing popular industry tools and put them in a simulated environment where they can sharpen their PPC skills using a $100,000+ budget.
Best-selling Courseware
"Best digital marketing textbook that I have found in 15 years for my students to use to learn easily all about practical business-focused digital marketing best practice..."
- Simon, Massey University
First-in-the-world Simulation
"I have had multiple students contact me post-graduation to tell me that the Simulation was a key factor in them getting a job. It gave them a conversation that few other students could have...."
- Gregory, Loyola University
Skills Your Students Will Gain
This turn-key digital marketing bundle provides students with the opportunities and resources to succeed in a competitive job market
The #1 Bestselling Digital Marketing Courseware
Digital Marketing Essentials
Teach All the Primary Digital Marketing Disciplines
There are a wide variety of disciplines within digital marketing and it is vital that students become familiar with all them. Too often, there is a significant skills gap between digital marketers and the companies that want to hire them. Students who are familiar with digital marketing will be poised to take advantage of this and enjoy rewarding careers.
Enhance Practical Skills
With this courseware, professors are given the resources to upgrade their digital marketing course to teach the overlooked yet critical skills of search engine optimization, website analytics, pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing.
Teach Up-to-Date Concepts
This book combines the fundamentals of digital marketing with its application in various business environments. Students will learn how to leverage organic, paid and social traffic, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of digital marketing on various platforms.
156 Resources Included
25 pre-recorded videos from experts with quizzes
13 chapter test banks
13 chapter presentations (instructor and student versions)
13 auto-graded chapter quizzes
13 optional quiz review slides
13 lesson plans with tips for engagement (online versions included)
4 case studies with teaching notes
3 real-world assignments (instructor and student versions)
2 skill-building projects (instructor and student versions)
2 sample calendars showcasing simulation use
Sample syllabus outlining course benefits and structure
Video case study
Sample midterm exam and answer key
Industry-vetted certification exam
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Digital Marketing Foundations
Chapter 2 – Web Design
Chapter 3 – Analytics
Chapter 4 – On-Site SEO
Chapter 5 – Off-Site SEO
Chapter 6 – Paid Search Marketing
Chapter 7 – Online Advertising
Chapter 8 – Email Marketing
Chapter 9 – Social Media 1
Chapter 10 – Social Media 2
Chapter 11 – Online Reputation Management (ORM)
Chapter 12 – Mobile Marketing
Chapter 13 – Digital Strategy
ISBN: 978-0-692-22688-9
156+ Educator Resources
13 Auto-Graded Chapter Quizzes
13 Lesson Plans With Tips for Engagement
(Online Versions Included)
2 Skill-Building Projects
(Instructor and Student Versions)
4 Case Studies With Teaching Notes
3 Real-World Assignments
(Instructor and Student Versions)
2 Sample Calendars Showcasing Simulation Use
Sample Syllabus Outlining Course Benefits and Structure
Video Case Study
Sample Midterm Exam and Answer Key
Industry-Vetted Certification Exam
Feels built-in, not bolted on
Micro Module: AI in Marketing
Included for FREE with any Stukent Marketing Simternship or courseware!
The Micro Module: AI in Marketing is designed to complement any marketing course. Whether you’re teaching marketing principles, digital marketing, SEO, social media, or other topics, this module adds powerful, up-to-date AI activities to your curriculum.
Table of Contents
ISBN: 978-0-692-22688-9
Stukent Industry-Vetted Certification Included
The Stukent Digital Marketing Certification is an excellent way to help students build their resumes and show their expertise. The certification is a FREE add-on included with every purchase of the Digital Marketing Essentials Bundle.
The Stukent Digital Marketing Certification includes:
- 80-question exam
- Official certificate of completion
- Industry-vetted evaluation that’s been reviewed by professionals from Google, HubSpot, and more!
About the Authors
Jeff Larson
Larson is a professor of marketing at Brigham Young University, where he has taught courses in Marketing Research and Internet Marketing since 2007. He received a Master’s Degree in Applied Economics and a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business.
Stuart Draper
Draper has taught and mentored hundreds of college students on digital marketing as an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University – Idaho. Before founding Stukent Inc., Stuart founded the successful digital marketing agency, Get Found First, and he has hired and trained dozens of college students as online marketing interns and employees.
Digital Marketing Simternship™
Real-world Experience.
Stukent Digital Marketing Simternship™ is a simulation designed for the doers.
Search, display, and shopping ad creation and optimization are essential components of digital marketing, but it’s challenging to give students hands-on experience with managing ads. This Simternship™ gives students the opportunity to manage over $125,000 in ad budget across search, display, and shopping ad campaigns. They will also learn about landing page optimization, audience targeting, and KPI analysis.
Stukent Simternships
Employ Students
in Career-Relevant Learning
A Stukent Simternship® is a career-relevant, work-integrated learning experience that helps your students connect classroom concepts to real-world tasks.
In a Simternship, students become marketing managers, PR officers, entrepreneurs, SEO specialists, accountants, and more. They will interact with simulated supervisors and coworkers, perform realistic tasks, and build their confidence within the safety of a simulated environment.
Digital Marketing Simternship Is a Good Fit for Your Class
if You Are Looking For
Impactful Classroom Discussion
Automated Grading
An Effective Way To Teach Difficult Topics
Real-World Experience for Students
Resume-Building Assignments
Personalized Feedback for Students
Opportunities To Analyze and Optimize
A Homework Solution for Big Courses
A Deeper Look at
Stukent's Digital Marketing Simternship™
Pre-recorded video lectures help make time for valuable classroom discussions
Enhance your digital marketing course with 14+ hours of pre-recorded video lectures.
Real-world examples
Author Jeff Larson includes real-world examples throughout the videos to keep students’ attention and help them connect theory and application.
Engaging lectures
These video lectures allow your students to thrive no matter their preferred learning style by utilizing audio- and visual-style teaching.
Bundle options
The video lectures pair great with the “Digital Marketing Essentials” bundle by providing additional content and examples!
What Professors and Students are Saying…
Konya Weber, Northwest Nazarene University
David Cornella, Associate Account Strategist at Google
Hands-on Learning without the Hassle
Stukent Simternships integrate with your favorite LMS platforms