Marketing AI Educator Resourses

About this Document

In today’s digital age, AI plays a significant role in shaping marketing strategies and tactics. Understanding AI allows students to stay competitive in the job market and adapt to the evolving landscape of marketing technology. By incorporating AI into their curriculum, educators empower students to leverage data-driven insights, automate processes, and enhance decision-making in marketing.

How to use this document

Valuable Skills

Teach your students valuable skills they can gain when integrating AI into their learning in a positive and constructive manner.

Discussion Prompts and Activities

Class discussion prompt ideas to get you and your class discussing practical uses for AI in their future careers.

Industry Tools

Outlined in this document are various tools that you and your students can use to practice with AI. There is also a breakdown of those with special education rates.

Additional Resources for Creating a Great Course

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Experiential Learning

Learn how virtual work-integrated learning can help educators overcome today’s instructional challenges.

Designed with Your Course in Mind

Enhance your teaching toolkit by requesting free instructor access to these turnkey resources. Discover firsthand how these experiential learning techniques can significantly improve your students' learning habits and outcomes. Your students will become career-ready by the time they leave your classroom.


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