Unlock the Power

of Relationship-Driven Social Media Marketing for Greater ROI

with these classroom essentials


Enhance Students' Skills for Careers

Enhance your teaching toolkit by requesting free instructor access to these turnkey resources. Discover firsthand how these experiential learning techniques can significantly improve your students' learning habits and outcomes.
Your students will be career-ready by the time they leave your classroom.

Hop on a demo to see
how any of these bundles could save you hours of prep time!

Stukent Simternships™:

Employ Students
in Career-Relevant Learning

A Stukent Simternship is a career-relevant, work-integrated learning experience that helps your students connect classroom concepts to real-world tasks.

In a Simternship, students become marketing managers, PR officers, entrepreneurs, SEO specialists, accountants, and more. They will interact with simulated supervisors and coworkers, perform realistic tasks, and build their confidence within the safety of a simulated environment.