Summer Onboarding Sessions

The beginning of the fall semester can be stressful, so we want to get ahead of the chaos.
Register to attend one or more onboarding sessions this summer to prepare you for Stukent success this fall semester! On this call, you will receive additional resources for you and your students, step-by-step guidance on preparing your course, and an update on the annual improvements made to your courseware.

Recordings will be available to all registrants.

Marketing Analytics

Intro to Business

Principles of Supply Chain

Supply Chain Text and Simulation

Advanced Selling

Advanced Selling course materials: courseware (digital text) and simulation

Professional Selling

Marketing Principles

Social Media Marketing

Consumer Behavior

Market Research

Market research textbook and simulation

Digital Marketing

Personal Finance

Get support when you need it!
Book a time to meet with your Stukent Customer Success Manager.

Stukent Support

Join us in upcoming events featuring industry professionals, Stukent authors, professors, and more!

Access Course Materials

Regardless if you use an LMS or not, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up your Stukent® account and gain access to your classroom.

Learn to Navigate

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of navigating your Stukent courseware or Simternship™.

Tips for Success

Learn how to search, take notes, use reading assist in Stukent courseware, and more with these helpful tips.


Designed with Your Course in Mind

Enhance your teaching toolkit with more of these turnkey resources. Discover firsthand how these experiential learning techniques can significantly improve your students' learning habits and outcomes. Your students will be career-ready by the time they leave your classroom.