Explore All the Ways We Keep You Current
• Financial Accounting
• Managerial Accounting
• Personal Finance
• Survey of Accounting
• Managerial Accounting Simternship
• Intro to Finance
• Advanced Supply Chain – NEW
• Business Analytics
• Business Communication
• Business Law
• Business Research
• Business Statistics
• Entrepreneurship
• Intro to Business
• Logistics & Transportation Management
• Name, Image & Likeness
• New Venture Creation
• Principles of Supply Chain
• Professional Business Writing
• Project Management – NEW
• Strategic Management
Review the Business Curricula
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Train the next generation of industry professionals, thought leaders, and innovators with Stukent's courseware and Simternships.
Our courseware bridges the gap between dynamic, fast-moving industries and academia.
Since 2013, we’ve helped thousands of educators prepare their students for today’s competitive job market. We’ve revolutionized how educational materials are created, integrating robust courseware with compelling, first-in-the-world simulations
Keeping academia current.
Our annually updated content keeps up with rapidly evolving industries and educational tools.
Giving students resume-worthy experiences.
To compete in the job market and be ready for their first job, students need the ability to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life situations.
Mimicking real-world workspaces.
Our hands-on simulations and activities help students practice their critical thinking skills, utilize newfound knowledge, and gain industry perspectives.
Providing content made by educators for educators.
Cutting-edge industry insights are supplemented with modern pedagogical practices.
Saving educators hours of preparation time.
Our courseware comes with resources such as lesson plans, engaging assignments, lecture slide decks, and more, so educators can spend more time on what matters most — their students.
Offering tools easy to implement in any curriculum.
Our innovative tools are easy for educators and students to use.
Keeping academia current.
Our annually updated content keeps up with rapidly evolving industries and educational tools.
Giving students resume-worthy experiences.
To compete in the job market and be ready for their first job, students need the ability to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life situations.
Mimicking real-world workspaces.
Our hands-on simulations and activities help students practice their critical thinking skills, utilize newfound knowledge, and gain industry perspectives.
Providing content made by educators for educators.
Cutting-edge industry insights are supplemented with modern pedagogical practices.
Saving educators hours of preparation time.
Our courseware comes with resources such as lesson plans, engaging assignments, lecture slide decks, and more, so educators can spend more time on what matters most — their students.
Offering tools easy to implement in any curriculum.
Our innovative tools are easy for educators and students to use.