Stukent Courseware, Simternship™, and Certifications

TEKS aligned for your classroom

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) has aligned with many of Stukent Curricula including:

  • Career Readiness
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Sports Marketing
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Media Marketing

Start saving time and using these Texas aligned turn-key resources that will engage your students and prepare them for career success

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Top Texas School Districts Using Stukent

3 of the most powerful classroom tools

Stukent makes preparing students for their careers easy. With these turn-key resources, you will be able to teach approved curriculum, engage your students in a one-of-a-kind Simternship, and prepare them for a certification exam that they can do in the convenience of your classroom.

Learn more about one of these products by clicking below.

Resources For Every Classroom At Your School

Stukent brings a diverse range of topics to the future of learning. Integrate your students in experiential learning with incredible Simternships and simulations to prepare them for successful careers. Many of these courses also include turn-key resources such as courseware, curricula, and certifications to elevate your students education experience. Discover which courses will fit your needs below.

Sports Marketing Simternship logo
Social Media simternship
Entrepreneurship Simulation

What Is A Stukent Simternship?

A Stukent Simternship™ or simulation packs months of role-specific experience into your course. Your  students will step into real-world professional roles, allowing them to gain experience, master marketable  skills, increase their knowledge retention, and have the “freedom to fail” as they practice new concepts in a low-risk environment. 

With a Simternship, your students get broader, more standardized access to hands-on education, as students won’t be limited by the opportunities available locally. A Simternship can “fill in the gaps” of an internship and ensure each student gets a well-rounded experience. You can rest easy knowing that every student in your course will have a great experience with a Simternship — it’s the homework your students want to do!

Whether students are marketing, business, communications, or accounting majors, they can participate in a Simternship in a new field or specialization. Simternships are a powerful way to help students differentiate themselves from other candidates in the job market and gain deeper, more holistic perspectives on different aspects of the business world.

How Simternships Work

With Stukent Simternships, you’re in control of your students’ experiences. We make it easy to invite, enroll, and monitor your students’ progress via LMS integration and the Stukent Instructor Portal. Once your students are enrolled, they’ll be ready to participate in the simulation. Every round is auto-graded, saving you hours of prep time.

Simternships integrate seamlessly with your curriculum and feature auto-graded sections to help you assess your students’ progress. You may use these sections to evaluate students’ knowledge, provide them with feedback and mentorship, and as a part of their final grades.

Students receive personalized feedback based on the decisions they make each round. They will be given scales of how they performed and can analyze from their successes and mistakes how to adjust in the upcoming rounds. This ensures greater learning retention and builds marketable career experience.

Each Simternship provides hands-on training that immerses a student in the day-to-day tasks of a real-world role. Your students can step into the positions of marketing managers, PR officers, entrepreneurs, SEO specialists, and more, all in a safe, low-risk environment.

Each Simternship includes real-world projects that are designed to be challenging, yet achievable. Students will be faced with internship-like tasks associated with the specific field of work. Students will perform tasks such as  experience discovery calls as a business development representative, perform market research, ideate business products, develop an advertising mix, and much more.

A Simternship program typically lasts for one semester, allowing students to gain months of experience in a short amount of time. Plus, each Simternship is structured into rounds, which makes it easy to integrate with your course material.

What is Stukent Curriculum?

Stukent’s curricula complement our simulations, giving you a robust suite of educational materials. Your curriculum includes handouts, assignments, auto-graded quizzes, and projects. These resources are included with your Simternship or simulation and help you reduce your preparation time, improve student motivation and engagement, and teach a standards-aligned course. 

Stukent curriculum generally includes 15 units. Each unit contains three lesson plans, a hands-on activity or assignment, and a quiz.

Each of these curricula is updated yearly to ensure you are teaching the most up-to-date information, saving you hours of preparation each year.

What is Stukent Courseware?

Stukent’s fully digital, annually updated courseware integrates comprehensive instructional resources with a digital text, including lesson plans, embedded videos, instructor notes, case studies, quizzes, and more.

Each chapter of the courseware pairs perfectly with its accompanying Simternship, allowing you to save prep time for each lesson.

Keeping Content Current

The media and materials included with the courseware and curriculum make it an in-depth teaching tool. The content is updated yearly so you can be sure you’re teaching up-to-date principles.

Support for Students

The Stukent Support Team simplifies the learning process for students and educators. Anyone who uses Stukent courseware automatically has access to Stukent's support team to answer any courseware and technical inquiries.

Social Media Marketing Certification

Stukent’s Social Media Marketing Certification is an excellent way to help students build their resumes and show the expertise they learned in your course.

The Power of Certifications

In today’s fiercely competitive market certifications emerge as a powerful tool for students to rise above the crowd. The Social Media Marketing Certification combines theory from their up-to-date course with hands-on experience in the Social Media Marketing Simternship. Whether seeking employment or admission to higher education institutions, those armed with this certification demonstrate a commitment to staying ahead in today’s dynamic landscape.

About the Certification

  • Certification Exam has 80 questions
  • Exams have a two-hour time limit
  • A score of 80% or higher is required to pass
  • Certificates expire after two years
  • Instructors can allow students to retake the exam as soon as they’re ready
  • Certificates auto-populate in student accounts when they pass
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Preparation Resources

  • Small section on Marketing Strategies
  • Small section of Social Media
  • Marketing Simternships
  • Certification Study Guide
  • A student study guide is provided that helps them know on which areas to focus on throughout the course to best prepare them for the certification exam.

Skills Assessed

  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Data analyzation
  • Data-driven decisions relative to revenue and profit
  • Report based strategy adjustments

Over 80% of Social Media Marketing Cluster topics are covered in the Social Media Marketing Bundle

Everyone who adopts this courseware will get access to our world class, Stukent Support Team