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High School All access pass
The High School All-Access Pass gives teachers access to not only one Simternship™ and courseware bundle but access to all 12+ simulations and courseware offered by Stukent!
For a limited time, early adopters can lock in a multi-year High School All-Access Pass at a discounted price.
The Power of Stukent Simternships™

- Stukent simternships are updated annually, keeping your curriculum current with the latest industry trends and best practices.
- Stukent simternships give students hands-on industry experience that can be added to a resume.
- Pre-made lesson plans, auto-grading, and LMS integration save you preparation time.
- And best of all, students love our simulations!
Getting the All-access Pass Is as Easy as 1-2-3!
Schedule a Demo
Schedule a one-on-one demo with a Stukent course consultant, which allows you to see our simternships in action, ask questions, and get a quote!
Create a Stukent Account
Stukent’s customer success managers are available to help you create a course, add simternships, and so much more.
You’re ready to prepare students for personal and professional success with Stukent!
High School Simternships™ & Courseware
At Stukent, we know you’re dedicated to providing the best educational experiences for your students, which is why we’re committed to developing robust resources for the classroom. From business to communications, career preparation, and more, our goal is to create materials that help you focus on what matters most — your students.

Social Media Simternship™
The Social Media Simternship™ Bundle has students learn to create social posts, schedule posts, and target audiences for a fictitious bag company. Plus, it comes with courseware, lesson plans, and an industry-vetted certification exam.

Personal Finance Simulation
This simulation creates an in-class economy system that teaches students everything from loans to credit scores, insurance, and investments. The Personal Finance simulation is a great resource that makes financial concepts real for students in an engaging and informative way.

Digital Marketing Simternship™
The Digital Marketing Simternship™ turns students into competent digital marketers and gives students practice building ads, analyzing KPIs, researching keywords, optimizing landing pages, targeting key audiences, and more.

Career Readiness Simulation
In the Career Readiness simulation, students will complete activities such as creating a full resume with specific job experiences, crafting a cover letter, and creating a video pitch for job applications.

Entrepreneurship Simternship™
With Stukent’s Entrepreneurship Simternship™, students play the role of an entrepreneur starting a new backpack company. Over the course of the simulation, students will research products, manage budgets, perform market research, secure investment funds, hire employees, and so much more.

Public Speaking Simulation
Stukent’s Public Speaking Simulation is designed to walk students through public speaking fundamentals, prompt students to grow through consistent practice, and perfect their public speaking skills.

Sports Marketing Simternship™
The Sports Marketing Simternship™ asks students to revamp and launch new sports products! With plenty of individualized feedback, this simulation helps students develop the skills they need to succeed personally and professionally.

Accounting Simternship™
Stukent’s Accounting Simternship™ goes beyond your average business simulation. The Simternship asks students to make journal entries and prepare financial reports, helping them learn to account for business decisions and build the skills they will need for success.

Sales Simternship™
In the Sales Simternship™, students play the role of a marketing manager and are tasked with selecting retailers, drafting value propositions, recording elevator pitches, and addressing buyer objections.

Supply Chain Simternship™
Stukent’s Supply Chain Simternship™ gives students hands-on experience with building a strong supply chain. Students will allocate inventory, cut production costs, and assess profit and loss.

HR Simternship™
Stukent’s HR Simternship™ gives students hands-on experience selecting employee benefits to increase employee satisfaction, creating effective recruitment strategies, identifying top candidates for open positions, and more!

Marketing Simternship™
With the Marketing Simternship™, students get first-hand experience recommending buyer personas, crafting positioning statements, and allocating ad spending for their marketing campaigns.

Business Finance Simternship™
Stukent’s Business Finance Simternship™ gives students hands-on experience forecasting operating income, calculating breakevens, and selecting ideal investments and promotions. Students will also answer questions from simulated co-workers and customers regarding business concepts.
Hands-on Learning without the Hassle
Stukent Simternships integrate with your favorite LMS platforms
Single Sign-on
Grade Book Syncing
Deep Linking