Stukent is releasing cutting-edge teaching materials for accounting educators. Soon, professors can take advantage of these turnkey accounting course materials:
- “Introduction to Financial Accounting” courseware and Simternship™
- “Introduction to Managerial Accounting” courseware and Simternship
- “Survey of Accounting” courseware and Simternship
- “Introduction to Finance” courseware and Simternship
These resources will be ready for the Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 semesters.
We teamed up with accounting experts Kay Stice and Jim Stice to ensure our teaching materials empower educators with the content and tools they need in a format students will love. With over 70 years of combined teaching experience in accounting, the Stice brothers are on a mission to enhance accounting courses. Jim Stice echoed Stukent’s goal when he said, “We want to help the instructor create a better learning environment for students. Our objective is to help students come to class excited to learn from you.”

Easy for Professors, Engaging for Students
The accounting courseware will give professors everything they need to teach a great course. In Kay Stice’s words, “We’re not writing a textbook for you. This is a turnkey course.”
Each courseware will contain ready-made resources, such as:
- Detailed, turnkey lesson plans
- Engaging explanatory videos from the authors
- Auto-graded quizzes and engaging assignments
- Comprehensive lecture slide decks
- A sample course calendar
- And so much more
Each digital accounting book features examples from real-world businesses to illustrate the concepts presented. The texts are accessible, engaging, and bring complex accounting principles to life! “We always write stuff with the student in mind,” says Jim Stice. “Knowing that there is a student at the end of it whose study was made easier because we were able to explain it well.”
Take Learning Beyond the Book with a Simternship
Stukent’s accounting Simternships are more than your average accounting simulations. Each Simternship will help your students gain experience, master marketable skills, increase knowledge retention, and yes, even make mistakes in a low-risk environment. The Simternships create a powerful learning experience to cement learning for a lifetime. Jim Stice highlighted this value: “The simulation is going to help students in the trenches say, ‘Oh, I get this!'”
Best of all, the accounting Simternships will help professors make a maximum impact on their students’ futures with minimal prep time. Each Simternship includes time-saving features such as:
- Auto-grading
- LMS integration
- Stukent’s proprietary Instructor Portal
These features will reduce the hassle of running an effective course.

We’re excited to get these tools into accounting classrooms. The combination of the accounting courseware and Simternships will create an unmatched educational experience that produces students better qualified to enter the job market.
The Introduction to Financial Accounting courseware and Simternship are nearly ready to view. Join the waiting list to be notified when you can review the materials.