Crisis Communication Courseware

Experience the Pressure Without the Real-World Consequences

Everything Students Need in a Crisis-Crazed World

Help Students Learn How to

Recover From Crisis

Crisis communication is becoming a more critical professional skill by the day! Equip yourself and your students for success with Crisis Communication: Anticipate. Navigate. Mitigate. Expounding on the three crucial stages of crisis communication, students will internalize techniques and strategies to effectively manage crises through each step of the process. 

Readers will develop many skills including media relations, critical thinking, strategic messaging, and brand management. With numerous time-saving and engaging resources to utilize, this courseware is a game-changer for those teaching or studying crisis communication.

Key topics taught in the courseware include:

Phase One


Students learn crisis warning signs and preemptive communication that protect an entity from crises.

Phase Two


Students apply industry-current strategies and best practices to properly address the media and manage public image.

Phase Three


Students understand how crisis communication can provide an opportunity to recover and even improve public perception.

Table of Contents

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Chapter 1 –
What is a Crisis?
Chapter 2 – Crisis Ethics

Chapter 3 – Communicating Before a Crisis
Chapter 4 – Issues and Risk
Chapter 5 – The Crisis Communication Plan

Chapter 6 – Understanding the Media
Chapter 7 – Spokesperson Training
Chapter 8 – Crises and Social Media
Chapter 9 –
Excellence Theory

Chapter 10 – Corporate Apologia
Chapter 11 – Image Repair
Chapter 12Situational Crisis Communication Theory
Chapter 13 Discourse on Renewal Theory
Chapter 14 – Crisis Evaluation

About the Author

Shelly Wigley

With Shelley’s experience as a journalist, producer, and public relations specialist, she eventually found a passion for crisis communication. In 2001, she began her teaching career at her alma mater Oklahoma State University as an Assistant Professor of public relations. In 2007, Dr. Wigley completed her PhD in Mass Communication at University of Oklahoma. A year later, Shelley served as adviser for the Public Relations Student Society of America and also became a member of the PRSA in the same year.

After over 20 years teaching, Dr. Wigley now teaches at the University of Texas at Arlington and has developed an interactive style of teaching that not only teaches student about crisis communication and PR, but also how to do it. Combining her enthusiasm for crisis communication and interactive learning, she believed that authoring Crisis Communication: Anticipate. Navigate. Mitigate. with Stukent was the perfect opportunity to create a course material to teach and train students EVERYTHING they will need to be successful in crisis communication.

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FREE Sample Syllabus:
Crisis Communication

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Hundreds of instructors are using this syllabus for their course, teaching the always-changing topic of Crisis Communication.