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Brand Perception Assignment

This ready-to-use lesson and assignment  is great for starting a discussion on brand image and perception with your students.

Consumer Behavior Bundle

If you like this assignment and want more resources like it, you can get FREE instructor access to the “Consumer Behavior” courseware by Radhika Duggal. 

Use the button below to schedule a walk-through and hop on a quick call to get your FREE instructor copy.


100+ instructor and student resources

A full range of ready-to-use resources to save you valuable prep time like: quizzes, projects, exams, and assignments

Coordinating Real-World Simulation

Give student's the real-world experience they crave while reinforcing classroom concepts.

Expert Sessions

Hear from top industry experts across the world for FREE! Expert Sessions are a valuable resource for instructors and students alike embedded directly into the courseware!

LMS Integration

Save time, work smarter and stay current! Stukent supports integration with LTI 1.3 compliant LMSs to provide single sign-on, rostering, and score syncing.