Consumer Behavior Simternship

The World's First Consumer Behavior Simulation

Discover a More Engaging Way to Teach Consumer Behavior

Key Learning Objectives

  • Select market segments based on internal and external data.
  • Purchase qualitative and quantitative research to narrow the target market.
  • Create a consumer survey to identify the ideal target market.
  • Analyze a focus group, survey results, and other secondary research to build a customer profile and guide marketing decisions.
  • Build a value proposition and positioning statement based on a target customer profile.
  • Select the best social media marketing channels and strategies based on competitor research and advertising metrics.
  • Adjust ad spending and messaging following market disruptions.
  • Select stylistic elements to craft a campaign guide that will resonate with a target market.

Why Use Consumer Behavior Simternship?

Consumer Behavior Courseware simulation benefits

Turn Consumer Behavior Theory into Hands-on Practice

The Mimic Consumer Behavior simulation shortens the learning curve and gives students resume-building skills they can use to land jobs in a competitive market. In the simulation, students take on the role of a brand marketer and get hands-on practice reviving a product by identifying and targeting a new customer segment.

Select Market Segments

Consumer Behavior Simulation Market Segments

Create a Consumer Survey

Analyze a Focus Group

Build a Value Proposition

The Consumer Behavior Bundle

The Consumer Behavior courseware has 130 instructor and student resources, including quizzes, videos, assignments, and more.

The Mimic Consumer Behavior simulation allows students to put what they learn into practice.

Consumer Behavior Courseware textbook and simulation

Hands-on Learning without the Hassle

Stukent Simternships integrate with your favorite LMS platforms

Single Sign-on

Grade Book Syncing

Deep Linking
