Congratulations to the top 10 ranking competitors in the Mimic Pro Digital Marketing Competition! These competitors came out with a combined $20,000 in scholarships provided by the competition sponsor, HP Inc. Each ranking competitor also received a Buhi backpack and the opportunity to interview with HP.
Competitors put their skills to the test during the competition. To succeed, students had to prove their prowess in time management, budget allocation, best practices, keyword relevancy, ad writing, and bidding. Not only that, students gained experience applicable to their future careers by using the simulation.
The Competition
Students stepped into the shoes of digital marketers and competed to earn the most revenue. Over a period of two weeks, competitors completed six rounds of the Mimic Pro Digital Marketing Simulation. Among other tasks, they created search, display, and shopping ads within the simulation. Learn more about our top 10 competitors below and what they had to say about their experience in the competition.
The Winners
1. Tingxuan Li – Babson College – $199,165 simulated revenue婷萱-李-525849130/
”The result of one round won’t decide the final result. Never give up halfway.”
2. Jean Franco Serrano – Arizona State University – $195,535 simulated revenue
“The Mimic Pro Digital Competition’s simulator taught me many valuable insights. From developing strong landing pages, to even learning how to monetize with Google Ads. Now, I am confident and know that I will continue to use Mimic Pro’s methods and tools to succeed when marketing online. Thank you!”
3. Michael A. Crescente – CUNY – $195,342 simulated revenue
“Mimic Pro has introduced me to Digital Marketing in a way that I have never seen it before. The competition was both enjoyable and manageable during the semester, and I appreciate the opportunity!”
4. Jeffery White – North Central University – $190,430 simulated revenue
“This competition gave me an opportunity to use the skills I learned over the summer and apply them in a practical way.”
5. Xinyi Li – Babson College – $178,510 simulated revenue
“This experience helps me to gain better understanding of how to build a good SEO and ad campaign. This will definitely help me in my future career life!”
6. Shuang Wang – Brock University – $172,985 simulated revenue
“Every moment is an experience.”
7. Alyssa Danielle Light – Saint Edward’s University – $162,655 simulated revenue
“Mimic Pro allowed me to enhance my learning of SEO and SEM, while having a real world example. This unique experience is something I will never forget and I will forever encourage everyone to complete their own simulation to test their knowledge.”
8. Thomas Beever – RRC Polytechnic – $158,585 simulated revenue
“I think that this was a great learning experience, and it really helped me develop my skills and understanding of digital marketing!”
9. Joanna Garza – University of Texas at San Antonio – $158,195 simulated revenue
“My experience with the competition was challenging and rewarding. I have proven to myself that I can overcome doubt and obstacles even during one of the busiest times in my life. Do not ever doubt what you can accomplish.”
10. Long Nguyen – University of South Florida – $156,580 simulated revenue
“Being successful is a choice, and I chose to follow that path.”
Interested in using the Mimic Pro Digital Marketing Simulation?
Click here to use it in your classroom.