I believe the content in this post will change the way you think and view the world and business. READ ON!
You want to be number one? Do something that has never been done before. Be the first in the world.
Think that sounds highly improbable? Think that it only happens to one in a million? You are right.
If you think that you can be that person to come up with something new that this world has never seen before, you are also right.
You see? All of us are unique. Even identical twins have their differences. And because we are all different, we all have the ability to do something that no one else can do just like us. In business, doing things that have never been done before is easier and harder than ever before.
Harder because the number of people on this earth that may have done something before you are higher than ever, but easier because of the technological advances and myriad of deviations beyond the current versions of technology that lie ahead.
Take Strati for example. They use a semi-new technology, and then become the first company in the world to offer the world’s first 3D printed car.
Cars have been around for over a century. 3D printing is fairly new. Put the two together, and you have something the world has never seen before.
It is an exciting time. At Stukent, we’re always looking for ways to do things that have never been done before. Not to down play the efforts of our amazing sales force, but it has made our work selling and marketing much less of a challenge.
Some of the things you will do to be first in the world won’t be as complex as you might think. And many times, they won’t even be new things for the world as a whole, but they may be new to your market.
Here are eight examples of things we have done at Stukent to be first in the world.
- Internet Marketing Simulation
- Simulations aren’t new, but one that allows a user to practice online marketing in a simulated environment is.
- Complete course in internet marketing that is current, relevant and always updated
- Plenty of “complete courses in internet marketing exist, but no one has paired a complete textbook on a subject with a simulation that I am aware of, at least not on the subject of internet marketing.
- Setting a new standard for publishers
- Publishers have been publishing digital textbooks for around a decade now. Still though, none of them have taken the time to figure out how to update the book semester after semester to keep up with fast changing markets.
- International reach in first year
- If you have a new product, competitors are sure to follow. Be the first in the world to offer your product in other countries as well. Careful though, international business has a set of challenges you might not be ready for. Get the professional help you’ll need.
- Embedded Expert Sessions
- As mentioned above, digital textbooks aren’t new, but recording video of subject experts and embedding videos of them speaking on the subject in the chapters of a textbook to bring the real world into the classroom has never been done before.
- Candy Bar Email List
- Giving out treats to get people to your booth at trade shows has been done for years. Emailing all of the attendees in advance and asking them what their favorite candy bar is, and that we plan to bring it to them at the conference, no matter what kind, is something that no one else in this world has ever done. At least, I don’t think they have, and conference attendees are always telling us how brilliant the idea is and that they have never seen anyone do that before.
- Number of schools in one year
- When you have products your target market (and the world) has never seen before, they want to learn more. They’re all ears. If it is good and your first adopters rave, you can sell to a lot of people fast. This can lead to sales growth in a time frame the world has never seen before.
- Internet Marketing Boot Camp
- Again, when you have never before seen products, it gets a lot easier to do other things that have never been done before. We are putting on the world’s first ever internet marketing boot camp for professors. Internet marketing conferences have been around for over a decade, but conferences that help professors learn internet marketing and how to teach it have never been done before.
Hopefully reading through these examples of things we have done at Stukent has sparked other ideas of things you can do. Go do something that this world has never seen before. Make a difference for good in the world.
If this post helped you to think with new perspective, please share the post. I’d love to hear in the comments your thoughts and any ideas that come to mind of new things you envision becoming a reality in the future.