Your Portfolio is Everywhere

Whether you know it or not, you probably already have several portfolios out in the world that hundreds of people see every day.  These portfolios have names such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat, Blogspot, etc.

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A portfolio is basically your work being displayed for others / potential employers to see. It is a way to show your strengths, passions, abilities, and style.  When you publicly post things to your blog or social media, you are basically saying, “Hey! This is what I do. What do you think?”

Three Tips

How you can strengthen these portfolios and help others to start throwing cash your way!


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1. Be careful what you post.  If you are taking design/art/photography classes, you probably have a lot of projects and assignments.  This doesn’t mean you should post all of them on the web. Share your best work that you are proud of and you’d feel comfortable recreating if you got hired to do a similar project.
2. Find your specialty.  It is great to be well rounded and showcase a variety of abilities, but find your niche. Find the area that you enjoy the most and feel the strongest in.  Have this area take up a little more of your portfolio real estate than the others.
3. Target who you want to work for.  Your portfolios allow future employers to envision your work in their company.  So tailor to the audience you want hiring you.  Use hashtags and be mindful of your wording.  Don’t be afraid to tag a company in your post. Research companies you are interested in and see what the trends are.

Remember, you never know who is going to see what you put out there.  Your friend might show their friend who has a friend who needs YOU.  As you keep creating and sharing, your portfolio will grow, your presence will grow, and hopefully so will your wallet.

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