In my first post on the Stukent blog, I posed the question, “how do you learn?”
I went on to talk about my belief and feeling that we all learn better and more quickly through a variety of methods, but that a mix of teaching methods is the best way for everyone to learn.
That is why I believe so strongly in the value of business simulations. They provide students with the opportunity to learn through a vast array of learning styles.
There is a really neat global organization that exists called the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL). They are advocates for catering to multiple learning styles through business simulations and experiential learning. According to the ABSEL website:
The purpose of this Association shall be to advance learning by encouraging the use, development, research, and assessment of simulations and experiential methods as applicable to the business environment.
The objectives of this Association shall be to:
Promote exploration and adaptation of innovative teaching techniques, new media, and methods of delivering simulation and experiential learning in a global environment.
Represent the professional and scholarly interests of the members through the sharing and dissemination of leading edge scholarship.
What a neat organization! I am excited to announce that I have been invited to come and speak and present the RealDeal simulation at the ABSEL 2014 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida in March of next year. Professors travel from all over the world to attend. It should be a great way to evangelize Stukent.