Professor of the Month: Ode Amaize

Ode Amaize
Professor of Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

School: Canadian University Dubai

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ode Amaize is an interdisciplinary, teaching-award professor whose teaching and research interests in media planning, creative advertising, cultural branding, studying marketing and advertising through literature are augmented by his efforts at promoting the arts and humanities as a performing and recording artist as well as a researcher. This has been the case since completing his doctoral dissertation at the University of Texas at Austin: “Inducing College Students’ Opera Attendance: An Experimental Investigation of Affect;” and his recent initiation of the CUD READS program, and recordings, including the recent seminal narration of W.B. Yeats’ The Second Coming, commemorating the centennial of the poet.

He has served on the marketing, communication, and music faculties of various universities in the UAE, United States, and Taiwan; and in Russia, as a Fulbright Senior Scholar, performing and lecturing on marketing the arts, arts administration, and music business management at the Moscow State Conservatory. He is currently a Professor of Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications at Canadian University Dubai, UAE, where he has been recognized by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority with the “ten-year UAE golden visa for persons with specialized talents”.

Ode with his children, Ota and Aita

We asked Ode a few questions. His answers are below.


I use Stukent’s Mimic Pro Simulation, Mimic Social Simulation, “Essentials of Social Media Marketing,” “Media Planning Essentials, Visual Focus & Visual Media Marketing,” “Advertising: Selling in Today’s World,” and “Consumer Behavior: A Marketer’s Look into the Consumer Mind.”


Without much verbiage, I find, in Stukent, a teaching and learning soulmate — one that recognizes traditional pedagogical approaches and seriously encourages student-centered learning. Stukent, as a business and integrated marketing communication pedagogical tool, enables me to wholeheartedly practice my teaching and learning philosophy as espoused by Edward Thring (1821-1887):   

“Pouring out knowledge is not teaching.
Hearing lessons is not teaching.
Lecturing well is not teaching.
No mere applying of knowledge is teaching.
Teaching is getting at heart and mind,
So that the leaner begins to value learning,
And to believe learning possible in his/her own case”.

Because of this philosophy, as well as my interdisciplinary marketing communication and arts backgrounds and strong belief in teaching through literature, I am able to encourage my students to resourcefully and capably employ Stukent’s learning materials as “tools” in developing real-life campaigns that address important social issues, and, in the process, gradually sensitizing them to the tenets of critical consciousness as espoused by Paulo Freire (1921-1997). You may refer to the last page of my website ( to see several such examples.

Over the years, in building on consumer behavior theories, assignments and projects provided in various consumer behavior textbooks, including Stukent’s, I encourage reading literary works and leading branding texts that enable students’ deeper appreciation and understanding of consumer behavior concepts of perception, learning, motivation, decision making, which may not be captured via traditional surveys and experimental research methods, as a basis for developing advertising and integrated marketing communication campaigns. For this purpose, I have employed several literary texts, including, but not limited to, George Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984; Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen; Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Here are two examples:

  1. Based on some of the axioms and strategic principles of cultural branding as espoused by Douglas B. Holt in “How Brands Become Icons – Principles of Cultural Branding” (2004), promote an identity brand of your choice, across three periods in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1915) to identified target markets. 
  • Prepare and submit a Plans Book and a PowerPoint presentation.
  1. Using Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?) as inspiration and guide, write a “personification” copy about a brand.  Here are two contrasting examples about brand Dubai
Brand Dubai IBrand Dubai II
Shall I compare thee to a fairytale? As magical and wonderful as can be.
Many may think you are covered in a veil,
But the truth is you are open and free.
You are more like a dream, And I am so little running in between.
Creativity, love, and people flow through you like a stream,
And if you are but a dream, to stay asleep I am keen.
Dubai, you are a magnificent story, Growing up under your sea of lights, Watching you unravel in all your glory,
Your future is ever so bright. I am overjoyed to call you my home, Your essence forever will be etched in my bone.
Shall I compare thee to a helium balloon of dreams?
You are a nation soaring proud. Your haste marked by a gilted gleam
And swollen shape, your mission heard loud.
As you rise, your purpose becomes clear:
A cocoon in which your people reside.
Miles in another stratosphere.
From your vantage point, perfectly satisfied.
Still making an appearance at every event,
And dressing up in what tourists want to see In metallic skin from the poor who can’t attend –
Will they ever catch up? Unlikely. You are a city with pride so fervent. That every prized ribbon is curled by a servant.

Develop a Social Media Campaign to promote a socio-cultural issue: 

Develop a Social Media Campaign (pre-during-post) under the auspices of CUD READS: Currently under development by two students as a graduation project, this is a short story writing test inspired by COVID-19 to promote reading and storytelling among UAE youth.  

Apply and Demonstrate Knowledge of Communication Theories and Research of Media Use and Media Effects in the Context of a DEBATE about Polemical Socio-Cultural-Political Issues:

In addition to the edifying Expert Sessions at the end of Stukent’s textbook chapters, I employ the talents of representatives of leading advertising and integrated marketing communications firms like Ogilvy and Leo Burnett in Dubai as co-authors and co-supervisors of students’ work. 

In our CUD Department of Communication and Media, our advertising program is accredited by the International Advertising Association (IAA), and our public relations program is the first in the MENA region to obtain the Certification in Education for Public Relations (CEPR) from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Stukent’s materials help our students in maintaining these industry standards and in preparing and succeeding in obtaining various industry professional certifications (Google, HubSpot, etc.), several of which are mandatory in some of our courses.

Dr. Amaize on a visit to Memac-Ogilvy with his Advertising Campaigns class


Aloneness (not loneliness) and critical thinking.

Thank you, Ode, and congratulations!

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