The first digital textbook on the subject of Mobile Marketing is here. We are proud to announce that this book will be available for use in Fall 2016 for a select number of early adopters.
Mobile Marketing Essentials will come with all of the resources you have come to expect from Stukent:
- Professor and Student Lecture Slides
- Lesson Plans
- Quizzes and Test Bank
- Sample Syllabus
- Embedded Videos
- Highlighting and Note-taking Functionality
- Individual Chapters For Purchase
- Book Updates At Least 2x/Year
- Expert Sessions and more!
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Our courage to write about the essentials, the heart, and the connectivity of mobile-enabled devices is found in this book. As you read it, we hope you embrace the subject of Mobile Marketing and discover the passion to make better marketing decisions, better strategic decisions, and better ethical decisions.
People ask, “What is Mobile Marketing, and why is there a book about it?” Our goal is to help people understand that the device in their hand connects them to every other human or business on the planet and that the power of those connections is just starting to be tapped.
But having a device does not give you the tools and experiences to be a good marketer in mobile. There is so much more to discover. The first step is to begin to understand the behavior of the mobile-enabled customer, which we cover in the first section of the book.Throughout the text, the authors offer specific tools and examples that you can use to help learn what is needed to become an effective mobile marketer.
The growth of mobile is based heavily on the trust consumers place in companies when using their devices. In many instances, the disconnect between consumers and brands using the mobile channels is growing. The customer has expectations about their experience on mobile, but brands have not communicated well or provided customer-centered experiences.
How can marketers avoid these disconnects from happening? It’s inevitable, due to today’s environment of an always on, always upgrading and challenging mobile ecosystem that does not always fulfill consumer expectations. But how can you minimize the gap? That is one of our goals here.
This book will show how marketers can minimize the disconnect through customer understanding, campaign design, tools and analysis that will ultimately change their view on using Mobile Marketing. Enjoy!
The Learning Objectives for the new Mobile Marketing Textbook
The learning objectives for this textbook are to understand why mobile is so critical in today’s marketing environment, and why the customer needs to be the center of the focus for mobile marketing activities.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand how the customer is driving the change in behaviors to a mobile-driven world marketplace.
2. Examine marketing results using case analyses from mobile marketing strategies and tactics in real world settings.
3. Develop insights for planning future customer experiences that can be used for mobile marketing in business and other organizations.
4. Learn how to become future leaders in the mobile marketing workforce.
Meet the Authors
Michael Becker
Michael Becker is a Cofounder & Managing Partner for mCordis, a mobile marketing strategic advisory and education service provider. Michael and the team at mCordis (1) advise brand marketers on how to embrace mobile within their strategies, (2) support AdTech & MarTech vendors in their effort to service brands and retailers and (3) prepare marketing professionals for a digitally led world through our professional qualification in mobile marketing courses. Michael is a strategic advisor to Assurant Solutions, FunMobility, Shopper Army and Privowny. He is the coauthor of Mobile Marketing for Dummies and number of other books and articles. He is on the faculty of marketing for the Association of National Advertisers, Direct Marketing Association, the PathtoPurchase Institute and National University. Michael previously worked with the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) as both a board member and Managing Director and he was the cofounder of iLoop Mobile, a leading messaging solutions provider. Michael was awarded the 2014 Marketing EDGE Edward Mayer Education Leadership Award for his commitment to marketing education.
Michael Hanley
Michael Hanley graduated from Purdue University in 1975 with a major in Visual Design. He received a Master’s Degree in Journalism in 1978 from Ball State University. His research focus since 2004 has been mobile marketing and advertising. He is recognized as one of the leading academic mobile marketing researchers in the U.S. Michael is past Editor-in- Chief of the International Journal of Mobile Marketing that was published by the Mobile Marketing Association. In 2007 he was awarded the MMA’s Award for Overall Excellence. He is the author of two books, and several book chapters, journal articles and research conference presentations on mobile marketing and advertising. He is an Associate Professor of Advertising in the Department of Journalism at Ball State University, where he teaches advertising, mobile marketing, branding, media planning and buying, and mass media research. In his spare time, Michael enjoys baseball and outdoor activities.
Mary Beth McCabe
Mary Beth McCabe graduated from the University of Dayton in 1979 with a major in Communication Arts and minor in Marketing. She received an MBA in Marketing in 1982 from DePaul University. She received her DBA in Marketing in 1988 from United States International University. Her research focus is on Hispanic marketing and mobile marketing. After years with Univision TV and KUSI-TV, she founded a marketing consulting practice in 1993, focused on media buying and strategy for the US Hispanic Market, with clients such as Gerber Baby Foods, Weyerhaeuser, and Ocean Spray. In 2007, she received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Hispanic Marketing from SDX, formerly the San Diego Ad Club. She is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the School of Business and Management at National University where she teaches mobile marketing, marketing management, and marketing research. She has authored journal articles and research conference presentations on mobile marketing and social media. She is recognized for creating the first specialization in Mobile Marketing and Social Media for the MBA. In her spare time, Mary Beth enjoys gardening and swimming.
Paul Berney
Paul is the Co-Founder of mCordis with more than 13 years of experience in mobile marketing. Previously, Paul served as Chief Marketing Officer & Managing Director of the EMEA branch of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA). He has over 27 years’ experience in a wide variety of sales, marketing, business development and commercial roles spanning several different industries and market sectors including automotive, printing, internet development and management consultancy. He is a Business Leader in The Marketing Society, a Fellow of the Institute of Direct & Digital Marketing (IDM) writing regularly for their blog, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and was mentor in the Marketing Academy for three years. Paul has been a speaker at over 300 events, in 40 countries to a combined audience of over 43,000 people. In 2012 he was recognized as the leading speaker on mobile marketing worldwide by C-Squared. He sits on the editorial Board of the IDM Journal and was voted one of the Top 50 influencers in mobile marketing in the UK by The Drum magazine for the last three years.
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