Welcome to the Stukent Webinar Library. Here you can access all digital conferences that have been hosted at the Stukent central office and broadcasted to educators around the world.
Danaka Porter, M. Eng.
Stukent Product Launches Supply Chain | Logistics
Vicki Clark, D.B.A. & Brad Gatlin, D.B.A.
John Brown University
Supply Chain | Logistics
Dr. Rodolfo Santamaria
Western Governors University
Stukent Digital Summit Supply Chain | Logistics
Danaka Porter, M.ENG.
IOTA Consultants
Vicki Clark, D.B.A. + Lisa Goolsby, Ph.D. + Nathan Stempel, M.Eng.
Nathan Stempel & Manuela Zoninsein
Hidden River Group & Kadeya