Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Storytelling for Business

Courseware Approved by Industry Professionals

Business Analytics made easier for professors and more engaging for students.

Business Analytics Courseware

Business Analytics Courseware

Cutting-edge Business Analytics Curriculum

The “Business Analytics” courseware gives you everything you need to teach a great course. This courseware contains ready-made resources, such as lesson plans, auto-graded quizzes, more than 100 exercises, data sets, lecture slide decks, a sample course calendar, and more. It’s more than a Business Analytics textbook; it’s a whole course.

The courseware includes analytics content about marketing, accounting and finance, sales, operation and supply chain, people analytics, and more.  

Author Dr. Brennan Davis provides a practical, hands-on approach to business analytics, providing you with the resources to teach an authoritative course in less prep time.

Business Analytics Textbook

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Business Analytics Overview

Chapter 2: Spreadsheet and Programming Tools for Business Analytics

Chapter 3: Unstructured Data and NoSQL

Chapter 4: Structured Data and SQL

Chapter 5: Data Mining with Cluster Analysis

Chapter 6: A/B Testing Essential Business Factors

Chapter 7: Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Chapter 8: Cloud Services

Chapter 9: Web Analytics

Chapter 10: Analytics for the Internet of Things

Chapter 11: Storytelling through Visualization

Chapter 12: Predictive Analytics with Regression

Chapter 13: Prescriptive Analytics with Optimization

Chapter 14: Accounting and Finance Analytics

Chapter 15: Marketing and Sales Analytics

Chapter 16: Operations and Supply Chain Analytics

Chapter 17: People Analytics

Key Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the processes and techniques of business data collection, analysis and visualization.

  • Apply the logic of optimization and attribution in business analytics.

  • Explain the terminology and tools of business analytics.

  • Apply the practical tools and technique of business analytics.

  • Understand the roles of data technologies, data management systems and data visualization in business.

  • Study and practice programming tools and structured query language.

  • Engage in social listening and content analysis.

  • Understand machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.

  • Run field experiments in digital environments, including A/B testing.

  • Understand, run, and interpret results of predictive models.

Educator Resources

The courseware’s materials make teaching business analytics easier for you and more engaging for students. The following resources are included:

  • Auto-graded quizzes for each chapter

  • 20 data sets

  • 100+ exercises

  • Exercises for Python, Excel, R, Tableau

  • 4 Expert Sessions

  • Lecture slide decks

  • Lesson plans

  • Real-world examples

  • Sample syllabus and course calendars

  • LMS integration with Stukent platforms

Expand Your Definition of Courseware

Updated every year

Current content for the modern classroom.

Keeping Content Current

The media and materials included with the business analytics textbook and courseware make it an in-depth teaching tool. The content is updated yearly so you can be sure you’re teaching up-to-date principles.

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The Stukent Support Team simplifies the learning process for students and educators. Anyone who uses Stukent courseware automatically has access to our support team to answer any courseware and technical-specific inquiries.

Business Analytics Bundle

Business Analytics Bundle

Business Analytics Courseware and Simulation

Courseware + Simternship™

The Business Analytics Bundle helps instructors create an engaging learning environment and prepares students come to class excited to learn. This courseware isn’t a textbook, it’s a complete, turnkey business analytics curriculum with a suite of educational tools to make teaching business analytics efficient and effective.

Part of the bundle includes the all-new Stukent Business Analytics Simternship™, a robust simulation that allows students to complete job-related tasks in a real-world setting.

The “Business Analytics” courseware includes hundreds of resources for educators and pairs seamlessly with the Business Analytics Simternship.

Industry Expert Reviews

Anirudh Krishna - Senior Data Analyst

"This book clearly breaks down the concepts of Business Analytics which are essential for successful strategies. Professor Davis' insights about A/B testing and other analytics tools are simple and easy to relate to real-world applications."

David Cornella - Senior Data Analyst

"This textbook breaks down many fundamentals of business analytics and provides students with a pragmatic approach to solving real-world business problems."

Arjun Reddy - Data Scientist

“The textbook covers a diverse range of topics, all of which are essentials to become a modern Analytics programmer and a Data Scientist, from SQL and tools like R, Excel and Python to NoSQL; from A/B Testing and Cluster analysis to Machine learning and predictive analytics. I particularly like the inclusion of Analytics for Internet of Things and Cloud Services topics, which are not very often talked about, in context of business analytics. Dr. Davis' book is a stepping stone to anyone who aims to develop skills to efficiently use tools, business-specific application, involve in the future of analytics, and build solutions at scale.”

Alex Dowthwaite - Product Analyst

“Dr. Davis's textbook highlights key data visualization and analytics tools that data-centric companies are eagerly searching for in potential employees.”

Sally Nguyen - Data Analyst

“I find that many people overlook the power of Excel in favor of new coding languages such as Python and R. However, Excel is a foundational analysis tool, especially because it is readily available and there is a low barrier to entry. I love the fact that this book dedicates an entire chapter to Excel.”

Nate Veldkamp - Senior Manager, Analytics

“Technology’s rate of change in business over the last decade has outpaced the curriculum of most university business programs when it comes to business analytics and the tools and knowledge needed to effectively drive data-driven decisions. Dr. Brennan Davis’s close connections with analytics leaders at today’s top companies ensure his content is up to date with the needs of industry and his book and courseware provide a modern platform to teach the foundational topics of business analytics.”

Kate Belotti - Business Technology Analyst

“A great pairing of the functional and technical skills needed to understand the tools of today.”

Dmytro Marushkevych - Sr. Director Data Science & Analytics

“Professor Davis' book has a very strong coverage of the key tools and concepts required in the field of business analytics: from Excel (most underestimated and under-used analytical tool), to Web Analytics, to Data Mining, to Deep Learning. I wish all the candidates I am interviewing had this toolset at their disposal.”

Noah Wang - Cloud Applications Consultant

“This book proactively prepares individuals for the digital transformation that is coming to the global economy. With foundational and applicable knowledge of predictive analytics and cloud computing, learners are prepared to be a part of the biggest technological advancement since the internet.”

Noah MacDonald - Web Solutions Engineer

“Brennan Davis has a unique way of introducing the reader to highly related fields that are seldom taught together into an exhaustive text for anyone seeking to understand the problems being solved by modern Analytics & Reporting organizations and teams. The examples are pragmatic, reflective of Davis' extensive experience outside the classroom, and delivered by a natural educator.”

About The Author

Picture of Brennan Davis

Brennan Davis

Dr. Brennan Davis is Professor and Director of the Master of Science for Business Analytics program at the Orfalea College of Business at California Polytechnic State University. He has over a decade of experience developing curriculum for business and several years of experience teaching business analytics in the classroom. Professionally, he has eight years of experience in business management in the automotive and technology industries.

He spent years developing the business analytics course with a committee of executives from top local business agencies and from top businesses in the Silicon Valley. The course covers data approaches useful to business analytics professionals, advanced analysis that firms most desire when hiring students, and visualization techniques helpful in communicating as a business liaison between technology experts and company managers.

Picture of Brennan Davis

Brennan Davis

Dr. Brennan Davis is Professor and Director of the Master of Science for Business Analytics program at the Orfalea College of Business at California Polytechnic State University. He has over a decade of experience developing curriculum for business and several years of experience teaching business analytics in the classroom. Professionally, he has eight years of experience in business management in the automotive and technology industries.

He spent years developing the business analytics course with a committee of executives from top local business agencies and from top businesses in the Silicon Valley. The course covers data approaches useful to business analytics professionals, advanced analysis that firms most desire when hiring students, and visualization techniques helpful in communicating as a business liaison between technology experts and company managers.

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