The power of Stukent's Social Media Simternship in your classroom
See the impact Stukent’s Social Media Simternship and courseware will have on preparing your students for a career in Social Media marketing!
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Stukent's Social Media Simternship

Redefine hands-on education with a Stukent Simternship™! A Simternship goes beyond your average business simulation, giving your students the opportunity to put the concepts you’re teaching them to work.
Redefine hands-on education with a Stukent Simternship™! A Simternship goes beyond your average business simulation, giving your students the opportunity to put the concepts you’re teaching them to work.
Your students will be career ready
with these sill sets
Generate Leads
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Generate Leads
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Generate Leads
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Generate Leads
Short description
Generate Leads
Short description
Generate Leads
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A Stukent Simternship packs months of role-specific training into a single semester. Your students will step into real-world positions, allowing them to gain experience, master marketable skills, increase their knowledge retention, and yes, even make mistakes in a low-risk environment.
With Stukent Simternships, your students get a powerful, resume-worthy experience, while you get a hassle-free semester. Talk to a Stukent course consultant today to see how a Simternship can transform your classroom!

Help Students Learn How to
Start the Right Business
“New Venture Creation: Starting the Right Business for You” is a higher education courseware that guides students through the process of generating and evaluating potential business ideas. The chapter content is accompanied by instructional resources and a hands-on, semester-long project to create an unforgettable learning experience for rising entrepreneurs.
Key topics include:
- Ideation
- Customer Validation
- Market Analysis
- Customer Analysis
- Identifying Resources
- Financial Success
Students and first-time entrepreneurs often rush to launch new venture ideas, worrying about the operational details of the business but failing to ask whether or not they should launch that venture. This courseware and its associated materials take students through the process of:
- Generating new venture ideas
- Determining whether the idea truly solves a problem
- Analyzing who the customer is
- Determining what it will take to execute on the idea
- Estimating the venture’s financial viability

Combine Entrepreneurial Strategies and Real-World Projects with the "New Venture Creation" Courseware
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction to New Venture Creation
- Chapter 7: Estimating Market Size
- Chapter 2: Idea Generation
- Chapter 8: Competitive Analysis
- Chapter 3: Ideas vs. Opportunities
- Chapter 9: Determining Resources
- Chapter 4: Value Propositions and Customer Hypotheses
- Chapter 10: Financial Viability
- Chapter 5: Revenue Models
- Chapter 11: Next Steps
- Chapter 6: Validating Your Customer and Concept
Expand Your Definition of Courseware

Keeping Content Current
The media and materials included with the "New Venture Creation" courseware make it an in-depth teaching tool. The content is updated yearly so you can be sure you’re teaching up-to-date principles.

Support for Students
The Stukent Support Team simplifies the learning process for students and educators. Anyone who uses Stukent courseware automatically has access to Stukent's support team to answer any courseware and technical inquiries.
Expand Your Definition of Courseware

Keeping Content Current
The media and materials included with the "New Venture Creation" courseware make it an in-depth teaching tool. The content is updated yearly so you can be sure you’re teaching up-to-date principles.

Support for Students
The Stukent Support Team simplifies the learning process for students and educators. Anyone who uses Stukent courseware automatically has access to Stukent's support team to answer any courseware and technical inquiries.
Learning Objectives
- Use a variety of methods to generate new venture ideas
- Articulate the difference between a product/service idea and a business
- Create a customer-focused problem statement
- Create a value proposition for a new venture that resonates with customers
- Conduct in-depth primary research to determine whether a market exists for a new venture concept
- Conduct in-depth customer research to validate or modify a new venture idea to align with customer needs
- Utilize customer interviews and secondary data to define and quantify the market for a new venture
- Explain and investigate the viability of different revenue models for a new venture
- Conduct competitive analysis in order to determine a competitive position for a new venture as well as the competitive risk involved in entering the market
- Determine the resources necessary to launch a new venture
- Estimate the potential profitability of a new venture idea
- Use research and data to determine whether or not a venture idea represents an opportunity for students personally before trying to launch a new venture
Includes 100+ classroom resources
About the Author

Dr. Bradley George
Dr. Bradley George is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Babson College and serves as the faculty advisor for the Butler Launch Pad. In addition to his role at Babson, Dr. George has been a visiting professor at Koc University in Istanbul since 2012, teaching in their executive MBA program, and has served as an advisor to Parallel 18 in Puerto Rico. He has created and taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Entrepreneurship, Environmental Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, and Social Innovation. He also teaches in numerous executive education programs and is the co-creator and co-director of Santander’s Cultivate Small Business program that has helped over 500 small, minority-owned food businesses grow their business.
Dr. George’s research focuses primarily on the areas of strategic decision-making processes, sustainability, and research methodology. His research has appeared in the Journal of Management Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Business Research, Business Horizons, Frontiers in Entrepreneurship Research, and Venture Capital: An International Journal of Finance. He was awarded the Stevens Institute of Technology Wesley J. Howe Award for the best paper on the topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference in 2008.
In addition, he has authored several published cases and his work also appears in the numerous books and other publications. Dr. George holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship from Indiana University, an MBA from the University of Northern Iowa, and a B.S and M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Louisville. Prior to joining Babson College, Dr. George spent 15 years in the diesel engine industry where he was involved with the creation and launch of new business units and product lines. During this time he worked in a variety of positions in training, technical sales and service support, design, manufacturing, marketing, strategic planning, and business process reengineering. In addition to his corporate experience, Dr. George advises a number of start-up businesses ranging from small family businesses and social ventures to VC-backed firms around the world. He and his wife are the founders and owners of Attitudes Dance & Fitness and he previously served on the Board of Directors of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra.