Jack Dujanovic
February 22, 2022 2:57 pmThe Financial Literacy Program at the Idaho State Correctional Institution has been in existence for approximately 7 years encompassing Personal Finance, Fundamentals of Investing and Advanced Investing classes. Curriculum has been developed for all three classes. Recently, I was introduced to the MIMIC Personal Finance Program presented by Stukent and sponsored by the Idaho Central Credit Union. The Mimic Finance Program is so vast in its content that I was easily able to pick out different aspects of the curriculum and dovetail them into my own Curriculum. I found Brian Bean’s Financial Videos quite useful and have received very positive feedback from my students!! In addition, I was able to attend an MPF Workshop facilitated by Stukent’s Joseph Ovard in Meridian, Idaho. I found the workshop both entertaining and filled with Financial presentation ideas. I very much enjoyed it. Joseph has also been very helpful in answering follow-on questions.