Tara Williams

Public Speaking

Stukent Author • Subject Matter Expert • Focus Group Member

I’m from Medicine Hat, Alberta. I earned my master’s of interdisciplinary studies from the University of Saskatchewan. 

Why is education important to you?

Learning is a lifelong endeavor and helping individuals see the their growth in the classroom shows them that learning is enjoyable.

What does being an Innovation Partner mean to you?

An Innovation Partner is someone that you can bounce ideas off of — they help you see beyond your own mental models.

What made you want to innovate with Stukent?

Stukent’s commitment to the continuous updating of material was a huge part of why I wanted to work with Stukent. They keep the material relevant!

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy reading, walking, and hanging out with my kids.

What is your favorite TV show?

I like brainless shows, but I won’t embarrass myself here.

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Public Speaking

Learning to Share With Confidence and Purpose

"Thanks again for allowing my class to participate in the testing of this simulation.
They really loved it and report weekly about how much they are learning."
Elaine Winship
Professor of Communication Arts
St. Thomas Aquinas College