I received my Ph.D. from the Wharton School of Business in 2006. Since then, I have taught at BYU’s Marriott School of Business. My past courses include introduction to marketing, marketing research, digital marketing, marketing analytics, and introductory business analytics. In addition to teaching those courses at both the undergraduate and MBA levels, I have conducted digital marketing trainings to a variety of audiences outside the university — to executives in China, to marketing professors in Mexico, to executives within a major tech company, and to executives from around the world as part of Wharton’s Executive Education program.
Education is not just important for career, it’s important for life. Life is so much richer when you have a deeper understanding and appreciation of its many forces.
The first two BYU marketing students to get jobs at Google did so after taking my inaugural digital marketing course in 2009.
Keeping my curriculum up-to-date and useful to the largest audience possible. Not all students need the same skills, so finding the content that will be useful to the largest proportion of them is always difficult.
Finding new and better solutions to problems in a collaborative setting.
Stu Draper asked me to partner with him to create Stukent’s first courseware. I recognized the value of having my students read a high-quality textbook so I could spend class time teaching valuable skills. We wrote the “Digital Marketing Essentials” courseware together in 2014, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Stukent’s unique platform allows them to go to market with innovations faster than any other educational provider. I want to be on the cutting edge.
In one of my courses, I was fostering a friendly rivalry between two sections on the Mimic Pro simulation. I warned one section that the other section might perform better than their section. I meant to say the other section would “kick their butts” or “wipe the floor with them.” Instead, I mixed the two sayings and said that the other section would “wipe their butts.” Very odd looks from the students ensued.
I keep a Costco-sized bag of dried mango slices in my office. It’s embarrassing how frequently I replenish that supply.
I used to sing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and do CrossFit competitions. Now I have five kids, so I’m lucky if I can get a CrossFit workout in. I occasionally sing along to the radio.
“Wreck it Ralph.” I’ve never been so pleasantly surprised by how good a movie was.