Give Students Hands-on Experience
in the Services Industry
The Services Marketing Simternship™ provides students hands-on educational experiences with important elements of services marketing in a fictitious scenario in which they take on the role of marketing manager over the Soft-Ts subscription service at Buhi Supply Co.
Student work concerns setting up and managing the service, minimizing gaps between customer expectations and perceptions.

Stukent Simternships™ — Redefine Business Education
Redefine hands-on education with a Stukent Simternship™! A Simternship goes beyond your average business simulation, giving your students the opportunity to put the concepts you’re teaching them to work.
A Stukent Simternship packs months of role-specific training into a single semester. Your students will step into real-world positions, allowing them to gain experience, master marketable skills, increase their knowledge retention, and yes, even make mistakes in a low-risk environment.
With Stukent Simternships, your students get a powerful, resume-worthy experience, while you get a hassle-free semester. Talk to a Stukent course consultant today to see how a Simternship can transform your classroom!
Provide Hands-on Experience
In the Services Marketing Simternship, students will set up a service and learn to deal with obstacles and changes to their original plan.
Add Real-world Skills to Your Students’ Resumes
Created in partnership with educators and industry professionals, this Simternship gives students skills they can add to their resumes.
Spend More Time Teaching
The Services Marketing Simternship is completely auto-graded, so you can spend less time preparing and grading and more time helping students.

With the Services Marketing Simternship,
Your Students Will Take on the Role of a Marketing Manager at Buhi Supply Co,
Where They Will:

Services Marketing Simternship
Key Learning Objectives
- Apply consumer research insights and metrics to guide marketing decisions
- Set features and recommend standards for a service
- Listen and respond to customer feedback and complaints
- Identify recovery strategies for maintaining customer satisfaction
- Allocate budgets to processes that help achieve service standards
- Adjust service features to meet customer expectations
- Evaluate and select marketing communications to effectively promote a service

Add Real-world Skills to Your Students' Resumes
Mimic Services Marketing is a game-changing simulation for marketing students. Created in partnership with both educators and industry professionals, the simulation gives students relevant skills they can add to their resumes.
Provide Hands-on Experience
In Mimic Services Marketing, students will set up a service and learn to deal with obstacles and changes to their original plan. .
Spend More Time Teaching
Mimic Services Marketing is completely auto-graded, so you can spend less time preparing and grading and more time helping students build valuable skills in a way that’s simple, digestible, and fun!

Mimic Services Marketing Learning Objectives
Apply consumer research insights and metrics to guide marketing decisions
Set features and recommend standards for a service
Listen and respond to customer feedback and complaints
Identify recovery strategies for maintaining customer satisfaction
Allocate budgets to processes that help achieve service standards
Adjust service features to meet customer expectations
Evaluate and select marketing communications to effectively promote a service
With Mimic Services Marketing Your Students Will Take on the Role of a Marketing Manager at Buhi Supply Co, Where They Will:

Set Up a Service
Manage an Inventory Shortage

Minimize Shipping Errors
Enhance Customer Service Quality

Resolve Packaging Concerns
React to a New Competitor

Refine Quality Assurance Processes
Address Ethical Issues

Decrease Product Defects
Manage Negative Press

Hands-on Learning without the Hassle
Stukent Simternships integrate with your favorite LMS platforms
Single Sign-on
Grade Book Syncing
Deep Linking

It’s Easy to Get Started
Request Free Instructor Access
A Stukent course consultant will verify you are an instructor and send you an email to set up your account.
Take a Look at the Simulation
To make sure you don’t miss any important features, we suggest having a course consultant show you around the Mimic Services Marketing simulation.
Fill Out the Order Form
A course consultant will help you fill out an order form when you’re ready to start using the simulation.

Request Free Instructor Access
A Stukent course consultant will verify that you are an instructor and send you an email to set up your account.

Take a Look at the Simulation
To make sure you don’t miss any important features, we suggest having a course consultant show you around the Mimic Services Marketing simulation.

Fill Out an Order Form
A course consultant will help you fill out an order form when you’re ready to start using the simulation.