Email Marketing Simternship™

World's First Email Marketing Automation Simternship™

The only way to bring real email marketing experiences into your course

What is the Email Marketing Simternship™?

The Email Marketing simternship™ provides students hands-on educational experiences with important elements of email marketing in a fictitious scenario in which they take on the role of email marketing strategist at Buhi Supply Co. 

Student work concerns creating and optimizing four email sequences to generate conversions for Buhi’s American Dream line.


Simternship™ Learning Objectives


  • Choose effective emails for email marketing sequences
  • Schedule and organize emails in email marketing sequences
  • Select triggers to determine what actions will initiate email marketing sequences
  • Set if/then branches to indicate when recipients will be removed from email marketing sequences
  • Optimize email marketing sequences based on key metrics
  • Respond effectively to email marketing related questions

Stukent Simternships™ — Redefine Business Education

Redefine hands-on education with a Stukent Simternship™! A Simternship goes beyond your average business simulation, giving your students the opportunity to put the concepts you’re teaching them to work.

A Stukent Simternship packs months of role-specific training into a single semester. Your students will step into real-world positions, allowing them to gain experience, master marketable skills, increase their knowledge retention, and yes, even make mistakes in a low-risk environment.

With Stukent Simternships, your students get a powerful, resume-worthy experience, while you get a hassle-free semester. Talk to a Stukent course consultant today to see how a Simternship can transform your classroom!

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