Ralf Mehnert-Meland holds a Juris Doctor from George Washington University, a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and International Business from Carthage College, and a degree as banker (“Bankkaufmann”) in his native Germany. He has published three books on the Ecu, the predecessor to the Euro, and the European Central Bank. Ralf has significant business experience in developing domestic and international business in the ERP, Cloud, agriculture, and healthcare industries. He is a licensed attorney and has worked in global executive and management positions in the United States and Germany. Ralf is currently an Assistant Professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead where he teaches business law, ethics, and personal finance. His teaching philosophy is “Keep it simple, keep it real, and make it relevant for the students.” He learned about personal finance from his teaching, jobs, and real-life experiences, but most importantly from making mistakes – and learning from them.