How To Teach a Blended Digital Marketing Course With Real World Practitioner Inputs

Scott Davis / Eric SanInocencio


Scott Davis is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Houston-Downtown. Scott has published research in Harvard Business Review and many academic journals in the field of consumer psychology. He specializes in experimental methods. Scott’s academic experience in digital marketing includes the recently accepted paper “Say What: How the Interplay of Tweet Readability and Brand Hedonism Affect Consumer Engagement” in Journal of Business Research. He created social media video tools and content for and built the first generation of mobile websites for the Walt Disney World theme parks. Scott teaches integrated marketing communications and marketing research to his undergraduate and MBA students at University of Houston-Downtown and has previously taught courses at Rice University and Texas A&M University. A podcast and video series called “Marketing Mixtape” which has appeared in the top 10 iTunes podcasts for Marketing & Management is hosted by Scott. Prior to his academic career, Scott led technology projects for NASA, the Department of Defense, and many others.
