Crisis Communication skills are a key attribute to any accomplished public relations professional. Being able to anticipate, navigate, and mitigate volitile situations can save a brand’s reputation. However, viewing crises as opportunites is a rare attribute that can change the game altogether. This assignment is designed to help students practice crisis communications for an unexpected failure in Buhi Bags Supply Co.’s newest product.
Greater engagement from your students as they study and research modern crisis communications tactics. This assignment is designed to help students become cogniscant of current communications trends and stragetize their ideal response.
More time to teach to the individual needs of your students. We do a lot of the heavy lifting so you can teach class the way you've always wanted. This assignment will help your students implement the public communictions principle taht you have taught them.
Supplemental material to fill the gaps in your course. This case study is free for you to use even if you aren't a current customer. Students can learn the process of responding to crises in a realistic scenario, and you don't have to pay a dime.
Make even the most difficult public relations topics simple to teach with the Public Relations Bundle. The “PR Principles” concepts are paired with the Stukent Public Relations Simternship to give students experience applying the knowledge they have learned. You can get a free instructor copy of the curriculum by clicking the button below and completing the form.
A digital courseware that provides students with a comprehensive knowledge on all things PR. This is a great fit for any introductory PR or media relations course. Loaded with assignments, auto-graded quizzes, lesson plans, and more teacing resources, it will certainly make you job easier.
What better way to learn than by doing? Students step into a role of PR Account Director with the chance to immediately implement your lessons into everyday scenarios. The real-world experience without the real-world risk frees students to flourish. “Students can’t wait to do this homework!”