Conference Grant

What is the Stukent Conference Grant?

Stukent’s mission is to Help Educators Help Students Help the World. With that in mind, we created the Stukent Conference Grant to get educators the training and resources they need to provide the very best learning experience for their students. Awarded educators will receive a $1000 Stukent Conference Grant.

Opens August 16th

General Grant Information:
Purpose: To provide educators an opportunity to expand their knowledge, network with others, and implement their insights in the classroom.

Funds Provided by: Stukent Inc.

Terms and Conditions:
Six (6) $1,000 grants will be awarded in a calendar year. Only current Stukent customers, high school and higher education instructors, are eligible for the Stukent Conference Grant. All applicants must be willing to present at the conference they wish to attend. All grant recipients agree to contribute to a follow-up blog post after attending the conference.