
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I love the resources at Stukent. The support staff is knowledgeable and quick! Great upgrades, as well!

Irene Dickey

LecturerUniversity of Dayton
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
As a longtime adjunct professor at SUNY Buffalo State College, I have struggled to find a concise, affordable, up-to-date text that has all of the periphery items to supplement my course. When Stukent started, I was an early adopter and haven't looked back as they have grown in both reach and products.

Fred Bristol

LecturerBuffalo State
Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Good materials, up-to-date information and easy to understand. I am going to use it again in spring 2018.

Jack W.

Associate Professor of MarketingUniversity of West Georgia
Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
This textbook was extremely beneficial to the success and progress I made in my Social Media Marketing course. The information was easy to understand yet included enough information to fully inform me on the subject. The quizzes at the end of each chapter were especially helpful in ensuring I was understanding the material I was reading.

Marissa Morales

Social Media Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I loved having the textbook available online and also having the Mimic software to be able to get a more "hands-on" experience. The Mimic portion helped me make real campaigns and give me a better understanding of how to use SEO and keywords in my campaigns. It helped me set a budget and showed my results compared to the rest of my classmates.

Faith Engen

Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I loved having the textbook available online and also having the Mimic software to be able to get a more "hands-on" experience. The Mimic portion helped me make real campaigns and give me a better understanding of how to use SEO and keywords in my campaigns. It helped me set a budget and showed my results compared to the rest of my classmates.

Faith Engen

Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I loved just about everything you guys have to offer. The simulation was very interesting and allowed me to gain great experience. The one thing I wish was to have more feedback from round to round. It is tough to find out how I may have done something wrong when completing the simulation. Lastly, the Stukent videos are AWESOME! please keep coming out with more of these. I love watching and learning from them because of all the different perspectives it gives me.

Louie Lamphear

Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I liked that it was interactive and easy to access. The search tool was super beneficial as well! It saved me time so that I didn't have to flip through tons of pages to find what I was looking for.

Kaleigh Martindale

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Stukent was a great place to practice and play with the tools I will be using in my career. This is a priceless tool that has given me confidence with Adwords, landing pages and emails that a textbook would never have been able to do.

Mackenzie Campbell

Digital Marketing
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Great information that was beneficial for classwork and exams. Great base of knowledge to have for digital marketing.

Rebecca Beregovich

Digital Marketing
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“Mimic Personal Finance has bridged the gap of parenting by helping students understand the reality of finances, investing, and maturity without their parents having to nag and beg. Every student needs to have this course before they accumulate debt and regrets.”

Tina Dealy

High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“While students have the opportunity to leave high school with a wide range of knowledge and skills, an understanding of personal finance is one area rarely addressed through the traditional high school curriculum. Mimic Personal Finance allows students to truly understand the responsibilities of being an adult through a simulated environment. I believe every student should have the opportunity to take this class before graduating high school.”

Lashelle Nix

High School CounselorTomball High School, Texas
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“Mimic Personal Finance gives students regular opportunities to make individual decisions with consequences that affect them. I have seen the proverbial light bulb go on. They ‘feel’ how much it costs to get an apartment. They ‘see’ how a buying a car and taking on total ownership costs decreases their discretionary income. They ‘experience’ the importance of an emergency fund when they have to pay for an unanticipated car repair. After seven weeks, rather than simply memorizing definitions of scarcity and trade-off, my students know what those economic concepts feel like. Using Mimic Personal Finance, I’m confident that my students are no longer just learning finance; they are experiencing finance!”

Jason Bartholomew

Nansemond River High School, Virginia
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“Mimic Personal Finance is making a bigger impact on my students than I ever would have imagined. This is what they are talking about at home and in the halls. Students are actively making real-world decisions. They are asking better, more relevant questions. They are having meaningful conversations with their parents about the decisions they are making in financial literacy. And the biggest bonus … this has made teaching financial literacy fun for me again!​”

Shanae Butler

Emery High School
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“I love, love, love the Mimic Personal Finance! It is absolutely one of the best resources I have ever used.”

Carlia Freeman

Sherman High School
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“There are many things that I love about the Mimic Personal Finance curriculum. I love how it fits into the classroom on my terms. Mimic Personal Finance reinforces the things I teach with experiential learning. Students have the opportunity to apply what I have taught with real consequences attached to their actions. One of the greatest challenges that I face teaching financial literacy is connecting students to the content. Students know that the things I am teaching are important and relevant, but they feel that the application of what they are learning is still very far off in their lives. Mimic Personal Finance connects students with the content in a big way. Students have to apply the lessons they learn in class to do things such as budget, manage a credit card, or create an emergency fund.”

Kirk Chambers

Provo High School, Utah
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
“I love what I can teach my students through Mimic Personal Finance, it makes money management so much more meaningful. It thrills me to see what my students learned about paying bills, saving money, and maintaining a good credit score as they did all of the cool things Mimic Personal Finance had to offer. It makes me wish I was teaching longer so I could use the program more. It is a game changer in financial literacy.”

Neil Wakefield

Orem High School
High School Personal Finance
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
I have been using Stukent products for several years. Students love the Mimic Social simulation. Even students who are currently social media marketing managers thought the simulation provided opportunities to try out different strategies and platforms. I cannot say enough about the customer service staff who had bailed me out of several rough situations and the turnaround is amazing. I had one situation where the bookstore had given out the wrong code and students were registered to an old course code. The customer service staff moved every single student over to the new course.

Emily G.

Professor De Anza College
Social Media Marketing
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Mimic Social Simulation gives those just entering the digital marketing field real-world experience and enhances the skills of persons already working in the field. The simulation comes to you with a ‘boss’ who is eager to see results from YOUR marketing campaigns. Yes, yours because you are the company’s social media marketer! Mimic Social Simulation makes you a better social media marketer! A hugely insightful tool!!! All along you are provided with instructions, explanations, and a help button (with answers to FAQs and live help during business hours). Amazing! And then with a click of a button your work with be analyzed and you’ll be able to get feedback on how to improve. Mimic Social shows you how you did on revenue, brand awareness, and customer engagement. There isn’t anything closer to an actual work than the Mimic Social simulation. I know because I did it! A hugely insightful tool, helps you apply your learnings, helps build confidence, makes you a better social media marketer, and prepares students for real-world marketing challenges, and sets them apart. It is a one-of-a-kind educational tool created by a stellar team at STUKENT!

Elena P.

Social Media Marketing