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the sports marketing


Get a behind-the-scenes look at “Sports Marketing: A Winning Approach”

Introducing "Sports Marketing: A Winning Approach"

Join Stukent authors Delancy Bennett and James Blair for a behind-the-scenes look at the all-new courseware, "Sports Marketing."
You'll also get a sneak peek at the accompanying simulation, Mimic Sports Marketing.

Created To Change the Game

Sports Marketing is a specialized marketing course that is designed to prepare students to develop skills necessary to address marketing issues specific to the sports industry.

This course will analyze the field of sports in terms of the practices, applications, and strategies of mainstream marketing.

Meet the Authors

Picture of Dr. Delancy Bennett

Dr. Delancy Bennett

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Howard University

Picture of Dr. Geraldo (Gerry) Matos

Dr. Geraldo (Gerry) Matos

Associate Professor of Marketing
Roger Williams University
Mario J. Gabelli School of Business

Picture of Dr. James Robert Blair

Dr. James Robert Blair

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Eastern Kentucky University